Monday, 9 December 2024

Elpidio Quirino: A Journey of the First Ilocano President

Elpidio Quirino, the first Ilocano president, was born in Vigan, Ilocos Sur on November 16,1890. During his childhood, he received his elementary education in Caoayan, where he later taught at a barrio. 

In 1915 at the age of 25, after earning a law degree in his college days in University of the Philippines College of Law, Quirino studied law until he was elected as a member of the Philippine House of Representatives. After few years of being representative, he then became a senator at the age of 31.

In 1934, he became a member of the Philippine independence mission to Washingto, D.C., headed by Manuel Quezon, which secured the passage of Congress of theTydings-Mcduffie Act, same time as the Philippine Independence was announced to be held in the 4th of July.

Quirino was also elected to the convention that drafted a constitution for the new Philippine Commonwealth.After the war, he was elected vice president serving under President Manuel Roxas. Unfortunately, President Roxas suffered a heart attack on April 17, 1948, while visiting an American military installation at Clark Air Force Base in Pampanga Province. The heart attack was fatal. After two days, Quirino was sworn in as the 6th President of the Philippines.

During 1948 to 1949, President Quirino finished Roxas presidential term. In 1949, he was elected as president on his own for a four-year term.


•November 16, 1890: The birth of President Elpidio Quirino


•Elpidio Quirino


First Image


Second Image


Third Image- Manuel Roxas with Elpidio Quirino



  1. Very informative and engaging! Continue writing.

  2. He truly achieved things that makes the Ilocanos proud. Looking forward to see your next blogs!


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