Saturday, 5 October 2024


First Quarter Feels

Entering my first step in 10th Grade, I thought of a new experience. I was looking forward to the new learnings, new environment, and of course, new discoveries. I learned a lot for the first quarter. From the exploration of the concept of trigonometry, blogging, effective communication, sequence, contemporary issues and parts of a research paper. Moreover, I learned to apply good morals, theories, life lessons, and cultural activities to cultivate my social, spiritual, and emotional characteristics that will be neded for my future.

    I thought to myself, "It's only first quarter. Everything shouldn't be that hard. Right?" Weeks later, all the tasks and projects activated my procastination trait. It lead me to an overwhelming pressure that I've been carrying day by day, night by night. It felt like we were in 4th quarter already. Our tight schedule and simultaneous deadlines is already tiring to hear, but the urge of procastination always hits me. I chose to cram every night before due that it became an obsession that I am forcing to stop.

    However, it didn't stop me from learning and achieving my goals. I always ask
God for guidance and pray in my sleep every night wishing that everything will pass and all will be alright. Because of this, I grew a stronger faith and hope that I can do it, that I can find a way to finish a certain task and develop my resiliency.

    Moving on, I will encourage myself to immediately do the assigned tasks or activities because it is the biggest factor that is affecting me not just as a student, but as a whole person. And of course, for the succeeding quarters, I will perform better and try not to be a procastinator as much as possible. With these changes, I would be able to achieve my dreams and goals in life.

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1 comment:

  1. Your thoughtful reflection on overcoming challenges in 10th grade emphasizes the value of resilience and taking initiative to reach your aspirations 💓


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