Monday, 9 December 2024

ICT: A Reflection of my 2nd Quarter Journey

Stepping on the starting point of the 2nd Quarter, I felt an immediate sense of nervousness and overwhelming welcome. With this, I expected that the concepts we will be learning in ICT would be difficult for me to understand. Our first lesson had just started, and a thought came into my mind. "Coding? I haven't done that yet ever in my life. I think this is going to be hard for me." Coding didn't seem to be a new word for me, instead a new experience. I haven't done any coding before, not the ones involving other languages and signs. It startled me, worst, the idea of various activities we will be doing. 

However, those thoughts didn't surpass my mind, they remained as thoughts. As Mrs. Vera Cruz started explaining the coding process, I immediately understand it. I knew for sure that this 2nd quarter is not what I thought it is going to be. Turned out, it's much more fun than the first one. All throughout the quarter, we learned a lot from the concepts of coding. From the introduction to html, to making an html file itself. We started to learn about the different tags and their functions in terms of coding. After which, we were given different activities in order for us to master them accurately and independently. 

We started in learning basic html heading tags, which comprises of how different headings differ from one another according to their numbers or how you write them. We also discussed about the uses of break rule and horizontal line tags, formatting tags and their attributes. In addition, we also learned how to provide a background color, background images, fonts, and pictures for the html file together with their attributes. For the remaining last lessons, we learned how to make framesets, and insert tables to the html file which gave me more learnings and knowledge about coding. 

The only problem was, there were instances that disrupted my learnings in ICT because of the extra-curricular activities I was attending. It made feel that I was left behind by my classmates because they were already few activities ahead of me and suddenly, I was pressures. I didn't practice to manage my time effectively because of the thoughts I cannot remove. However, that did not stop me to continue learning ICT. Though I'm having difficulties in understanding it because of my class excuses, there are friends and a teacher of mine who helped me throughout the quarter, and that is one thing I am thankful of.

Overall, 2nd quarter was a fun and enjoying experience because I was able to dig deep into a new exploration and knowledge of coding. For the next quarter, I am hoping that it would be more exciting than the previous quarter because of more learning experience. 


Image 1- Computer Programming and Coding


Image 2


Image 3



  1. Wow! We're the same! In the start of the second quarter, I also had some negative thoughts but I also overcame them. I hope we both learn many things as we go on with our journey.

  2. I'm proud of you for not stopping to learn ICT. Keep it up until the end of this school year :)

  3. Congratulations for finishing the 2nd quarter, you did well overcoming your thoughts. Continue to strive!

  4. Your hardwork is well appreciate and I hope that you will continue to strive!!!

  5. Never had a single doubt on you, Yan! Congrats for surviving another exhausting quarter. Please know that I am always here for you no matter what. Continue to strive for the best cause I know you can do more amazing things. But please do not forget to take some rest as well. Loveeyaaa, my Arrianne! Proud of you all the time.

  6. Indeed 2nd quarter was fun and enjoying experience. I'm glad that you overcome all the challenges. Continue to strive. And keep it up!


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