Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Unity Amidst the Adversity


    Climate change is a serious issue affecting several areas and lives of people, and the Philippines is no exception. Our country is experiencing more frequent and intensive typhoons, rising sea levels and temperature, and erratic rainfall patterns causing Filipinos to become highly vulnerable and exposed to the severe effects of it. However, amidst these challenges, the resilience of the Filipino people still remain. They tend to show how resourceful and adaptable they are in facing this progressive change in the environment. 


    One instance that proves the Filipino resilience is that when typhoon Kristine hit the Northern part of Luzon. According to UNICEF, Kristine devastated 13 regions and 29 provinces, affecting at least 4.2 million individuals. While other people recovered from it immediately, the impact of typhoon Kristine to the other Filipino families have not been established yet. However, a lot of Filipino people still try to find a way to recover and demonstrate adaptability from it.  

     Moreover, in the field of agriculture, droughts, changes in rainfall pattern, and constant increase of temperature affects the lives of many Filipino farmers, impacting their source of nutrients and livelihood. Nevertheless, the Filipino farmers found a solution by changing crops, using technology, and utilizing local knowledge to adapt from the changes in climate.

    However, resilience is just not enough on its own. No matter how we, Filipinos, try to find solutions in every adversities especially with regard to environmental problems, our resilience is dependent and cannot stand on its own. It is just a massive factor that can help people lessen the impact these challenges have caused their lives. But, one thing is for sure. We need resiliency, but we must also cooperate and solidate in order to make it more stronger and powerful.


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