Wednesday, 12 February 2025

CBR: A Key to Camaraderie

         "From a seed of an idea to a fully realized website" This quotation simply sums up all the experiences we have gone through when we were making our Community -Based Research Web Design. Looking back to the product of our design, I can say that the process  was a mixture of struggle, exhaustion, and dedication. With that, I will show you some of the experiences and closeness we have built during the process of our CBR.

        First off, when the groupings had been announced and stated, I was loaded with happiness as I found out I was grouped with my friends, Jhoana & Luisa. I never thought I would that we would be paired together for a research project, and I am thankful we had.

         I remember this was taken during our group meeting about how we would start our Community-Based Research. We discussed the topic we will be focusing and we have decided to conduct a study about showcasing manual arts in San Vicente--furniture industry. We had come up with each member's parts and we have decided to divide the parts where we think our groupmate specializes in, and that is, Jhoana for the Title and Recommendations because we saw that she was good in writing, Luisa for the Methodology and Conclusion and she is also fond in writing, Kevin for the Media Gallery and some of our CSS because he has skills in technology, Jeremy for the Community Profile and also Recommendations because he knows a lot about the places in our community, and I was in charged of the Focus Study and Brief Research Description. 

        In this image, this was the first place we went for our interview with furniture makers in San Vicente. By the way, our mode of transportation for our interview were our own electric bikes and motorcycles, with proper head protection and permission of our parents. At the moment of our first interview, we were still having issues such like being shy and nervous as we talk to the informants. In this image taken, we failed to have an interview with the workers due to busy hours of work and the absence of the owner.

         This was taken after our first face to face interview after a failed one. It was with the owner of Pallado Furniture, Mr. Dionisio Pallado. It was actially a bit hilarious and a touch of luck because we happened to meet him just as the time he was about to leave and luckily, he dared to accept our interview. It was nerve-racking for us because he is also the "kapitan" of Poblacion, San Vicente. Thankfully, he was nice and gentle when we talked to him and we had our first out of five success interview session.

            We took this picture to serve as our proof and also to showcase the beauty of manual arts, specifically furniture-making. We know that those furniture were made with pure hardwork and determination in order to satisfy their costumers. This furniture shop was located also in Poblacion, San Vicente,but is different from the Pallado's. It was I think the 4th furniture shop we went to as we go through our research project. These furnitures symbolizes the hardwork of the San Vicentennian as they gave their sweat in making it. 

            After interviewing 3 furniture makers, we went to interview one of the furniture owners in Lubong, San Vicente. I remember by then, our shyness and shame lessened. Interviewing people really make us thrive through our weakness in public speaking. It was hard at first,but as we try to interview more people, it was becoming easier and easier. By the way, the picture above shows an image of a determined furniture worker because we saw in our own eyes how he worked and worked until he make sure that the furniture he is making will be functioning and not failing. He made us realized more the importance of showcasing manual arts; not just because of how beautiful and how well-done it looks, but because of the hardwork that were poured to create it.

        This was the time when we were collaboratively working on our web design. We worked together in our house, building bonds and closeness to each other, while trying to finish our design. We forgot to take pictures when we were showing team work and cooperation, instead, we had this photo of a computer and our web design on the process of making in it.

            Creating a Community-Based Research and Web design is indeed a challenging task, especially when you are paired up with the people you barely even communicate with. In the process of our CBR, we have not only built a functional website but also a stronger relation and communication between our classmates. In our study, we focused on showcasing the beauty of manual arts like furniture making. However, we will not experience a pleasure of conducting a study in such a way of just navigating it through the internet through our own home. We need to conduct a study in which we are doing it with each other, beside each other, and a large scoop of team work. Our project was made with a fine collaboration and an endearing moment of camaraderie. The success of our CBR stands to the power of team work and dedication, rewarding us with a journey of transforming an idea into a vast reality.


Blogger <>

Reflection: More than Half, Ready for the Next Step

         This school year is more than a halfway done. As far as I remember, it felt like I just wrote my 2nd quarter reflection just few days ago and now, I am writing for the 3rd quarter. We have really come a long way. When I said that the two previous quarters were enjoyable, this quarter is much more than it. For the third quarter, we were still focusing on the concepts of coding. We learned different tags like the ordered list together with its attributes-- start and type. We also learned about the  unordered list which is the opposited of the ordered list, nested list that enables you to insert a list within a list, and the descriptive list that enables you to provide description or meaning to a word you desire to define. 

        Moreover, we were tasked to make a community-based research which will be our basis for our web design. At first, I thought it was going to be easy and basic because we're just going to design for the backgrounds and texts. But when we delved deeper, I found out that we are going to be using HTML tags that we learned for last quarter. It couldn't get hard, right? Besides, we have already tackled and learned it.

             However, I was wrong. It was a lot of process. There were nights of struggles and difficulties that I have experienced especially on understanding the concept of css since we want to put transitions to our presentation or web design. Thankfully, my groupmates were there to cooperate and help me throughout our coding process. 

         Also, the plot of my 3rd quarter became much  more exciting as we met our second teacher to guide us througout the school year. Since we only discussed few coding tags, I didn't find much difficulties in applying them,they were just a bit confusing because of the simultaneous nested list to be inserted. Regardless, I say that my 3rd quarter experience is filled with whole enjoyment and sweet challenges. 

           Moving on to the 4th quarter or as I say the last quarter, I will be more eager in applying everything that I have learned for the past quarters and ready to face new challenges that awaits. In the final stretch of our ICT Journey, I will make sure that it would be the culmination of our hardwork and dedication. I am hoping that this last quarter will be filled with happiness and enjoyment and I hope to tackle more coding tags in order to refine my skills in the world of technology.


Image 1__iStock<>

Image 2__Power to the Patinets <>

Blogger <>

Friday, 7 February 2025

Chinese New Year: A Celebration of Unity
        Every year, our calendar marks every Celebration including New Year, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and even the birth and deaths of our National Heroes. With every dates having a red color as mark of its holiday, I always have my mind thinking why we celebrate that one holiday?- the Chinese New Year. It was vague to me because we are in the Philippines yet we are celebrating a "Chinese" New Year. By the way, Chinese New Year is a holiday that marks the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar Chinese Caldenar. It is a time to celebrate the end of winter and start of a new year in China. After a long time of thinking and analyzing, I have found out that the observance of Chinese New Year in the Philippines is a demonstration to the rich cultural tapestry that weaves together various traditions and influences. It is a reflection of historical ties between the Filipinos and the Chinese, cultural integration, and respect for the Chinese people.

One main reason as to why we celebrate Chinese New Year is due to the historical bond between us Filipinos and Chinese people. This bond is the root of all the people whom what we call the Tsinoys or Chinese-Filipino community. Trade and intermarriage between Chinese traders and Filipino locals created a culture consisting of both. As a matter of fact, 7 out of 10 richest people in Asia are Chinese-Filipinos.

        Additionally, Chinese community traditions and celebrations have been integrated culturally into the Filipino society, adpating into their taste of food, language, and festival. Example of it is the Tikoy, dragin dances, and fireworks. Filipinos celebrate Chinese New Year because they want to experience new things and new cultures, patronizing the traditions of the developing neighbour country.

        Apart from this, we celebrate Chinese New Year as an honor for respecting the rich and cultural heritage of Chinese-Filipino Community. By this means, Filipinos develop their hospitality and thoughtfulness as shown to guests through servings of food and warm welcomes. It's a way to show respect for the traditions and customs that have been passed down from generations to generations.

        In the Philippines, celebrating Chinese New Year is more than just a festive event. It signifies a rooted historical ties between the Filipinos and Chinese community, enabling them to unite as one and share one's culture and traditions. This holiday reflects the cultural identity that influences, respects, and honors the Chines-Filipino heritage. By embracing this celebration, we, Filipinos, not only dive into new experiences and tradions, but by delving into our sense of hospitality, thoughtfulness, and integrity. It creates a beautiful example of how a historical tie create wonderful bonds and association, flourishing a spirit of unity and mutual respect.


Asia Society.

Philippine News Agency.

Vigan Cityhood :Vigan as a Municipality Then and Vigan as a City Now



      Vigan, located in Ilocos Sur, Philippines, is a marked as a remarkable place consisting of rich history where the past phenomenas whispers in the breeze and through the cobblestones. It is a special place in which the past unwinds the present, blending them together to create a memory one can feel and embrace. It is a Spanish Colonial town established in the 16th century. Going back to centuries, Vigan has experienced different changes but remains a legacy that everyone is now patronizing.

    Vigan's history dates back to the Spanish colonial era. It was founded in 1572 by Juan de Salcedo, a Spanish conquistador. It was structured with unique architectural designs that reflects native Philippine, Chinese, and Spanish influences. Back then, Vigan served as a trading post. It was known for its pottery, weaving, and agriculture. It was made with the iconic street, with well-preserved Spanish colonial houses and cobblestones road, creating a fascinating work of art for commercial purposes.

Apart from its eye-catching structures, Vigan also became a battleground during the Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule in 1898. The city was eventually taken over by American forces during the Spanish-American War. The Americans established a civi; government in Vigan and made it the capital of Ilocos Sur.

In the modern era starting from 1999, Vigan was declared and has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its Spanish-colonial and Asian Architecture. On December 27, 2000, then President Joseph Estrada signed Republic Act No. 8988, that "revalidated and recognized" Vigan's city status granted by virtue of the Royal Decree of September 7, 1757, issued by Ferdinand VI, King of Spain. This legislation serves as Vigan's present city charter. The charter did not provide a clause for a plebiscite and the law took effect in January 22, 2001. This was the time when Vigan was officially considered as a city. In known to this, a law known as the Republic Act No. 9411 was stated as the “Act declaring January 22 of Each Year a Special Nonworking Holiday in the City of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, to Commemorate Its Anniversary as a City.”

Prior to this, Vigan, or I should say Vigan City is now a popular destination with various attractions and tourist spots. Visitors come to see the historic sites that served as a stamp that linked the past to the present. 


Supreme E-Court Libary.

Hisctoric City of Vigan-UNESCO World Heritage.

History Timelines.


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Delving into a New World in a New Era

 Last year's memories felt like an hour. I just cannot imagine we're on year 2025 now. All seemed to passed by very quickly. I was just jumping last january and now, I woke up to see our calendar brand new and says the year 2025 on it. Time just flies so fast. It even had me surprised that those countless problems, difficulties, and obstacles I've experienced last year, had turned into a healed wound. Then, a thought came into mind, "This year's gonna be different. It's time for a new me."  

As the year 2025 begins, there are a few things and characteristics of mine I also want to change for me to start it. First of all is my trait to please people. I have become a people pleaser for a long time and I realized that  I am just showing people that I am weak whenever I please them and it is really bad for me. I wasn't born to just follow all the things they want, to be swallowed by my own guilt and pride just by not being able to follow them. But this time, I will be more mindful and think more about merely myself, of what's best for me. This time, I will be braver. Aside from my people pleasing trait, I also want to dig deeper into a new whole experience together with my family and friends. I want to explore new things and enhance my skill and abilities for the betterment of my self-esteem and confidence. 

Changes can be hard, but let us not be tempted. We might need it for us to grow, develop, and delve into a different person, not physically, but emotionally. New year is all about making new memories, exploring new horizons, and developing a new character.This year, you will discover a new me. A new me who is not a people pleaser anymore. A new me who is more independent than before and a new me who is much more stronger and braver. 

Monday, 6 January 2025

A Magical Evening

     "Christmas? It's Christmas!" I said as I was filled with excitement and precise happiness as my mother woke me up at exactly 11:30 on Christmas Eve. I immediately run to see our kitchen with all my favorite handas like shanghai, macaroni salad, carbonara, and chicken joy. That night feels so magical because of the essence of our Chrsitmas tree wandered by colorful lights, garlands, and ornaments and it was filled with gifts. It was so magical that everything felt so unreal. All of a sudden, I heard my alarm ringing and I woke up. It's the 24th of December, morning. That magical evening was just a dream, but it felt true. It felt real and I know for sure that it really happened, I just can't remember it.

   However, when I woke up, I heard a sound of a car infront of our house. To my surprise, I saw  my first cousins, aunts, and grandmothers all from my mother's side. Since 2021, we've been celebrating Christmas together in Pampanga but this year, it's different. They all came in our house to celebrate and for me, it was more than enough than all the gifts to receive. My tita who usually organizes the games was also there, together with her signature cassava cake. I was again filled with excitement because our Christmas tree was then again fllled with gifts and all our ready to cook handas were macaroni, spaghetti, shanghai, and chicken joy. It seemed familiar, but I ignored it and proceeded to enjoy the moment. 

    Few hours have passed, it's already Christmas Eve. We went to the church to be blessed as we come to celebrate the birth of jesus Christ. After that, we played several parlor games sponsored by our tita who gave us 50 Php worth of prizes for every game. it was so fun and I enjoyed every single moment we've established together with my family. I turned to look at the Christmas Tree. It was sparkling, the ornaments were shining, and the gifts seemed to be waving at me. For a second, everything felt silent. Now, I remember. My dreams, they really happened and it was the memory of my Christmas experience back when I was 6 years old. Everything was a memory that will forever remained as just a memory. 
    Suddenly, my cousin tapped my shoulder, asking me to come eat with them. After all, it was really joyful, all my experiences throughout the night. However, it was not the same as before, not as magical as when I was a child. Christmas had been part of my life, and I am ready to make the most out of it every year, together with my cousins, relatives, and my family. Regardless of how different and less magical our christmas tree is or whatever our handa is, what the most important is the real spirit of Christmas, that is, celebrating with our loved ones.

Monday, 9 December 2024

ICT: A Reflection of my 2nd Quarter Journey

Stepping on the starting point of the 2nd Quarter, I felt an immediate sense of nervousness and overwhelming welcome. With this, I expected that the concepts we will be learning in ICT would be difficult for me to understand. Our first lesson had just started, and a thought came into my mind. "Coding? I haven't done that yet ever in my life. I think this is going to be hard for me." Coding didn't seem to be a new word for me, instead a new experience. I haven't done any coding before, not the ones involving other languages and signs. It startled me, worst, the idea of various activities we will be doing. 

However, those thoughts didn't surpass my mind, they remained as thoughts. As Mrs. Vera Cruz started explaining the coding process, I immediately understand it. I knew for sure that this 2nd quarter is not what I thought it is going to be. Turned out, it's much more fun than the first one. All throughout the quarter, we learned a lot from the concepts of coding. From the introduction to html, to making an html file itself. We started to learn about the different tags and their functions in terms of coding. After which, we were given different activities in order for us to master them accurately and independently. 

We started in learning basic html heading tags, which comprises of how different headings differ from one another according to their numbers or how you write them. We also discussed about the uses of break rule and horizontal line tags, formatting tags and their attributes. In addition, we also learned how to provide a background color, background images, fonts, and pictures for the html file together with their attributes. For the remaining last lessons, we learned how to make framesets, and insert tables to the html file which gave me more learnings and knowledge about coding. 

The only problem was, there were instances that disrupted my learnings in ICT because of the extra-curricular activities I was attending. It made feel that I was left behind by my classmates because they were already few activities ahead of me and suddenly, I was pressures. I didn't practice to manage my time effectively because of the thoughts I cannot remove. However, that did not stop me to continue learning ICT. Though I'm having difficulties in understanding it because of my class excuses, there are friends and a teacher of mine who helped me throughout the quarter, and that is one thing I am thankful of.

Overall, 2nd quarter was a fun and enjoying experience because I was able to dig deep into a new exploration and knowledge of coding. For the next quarter, I am hoping that it would be more exciting than the previous quarter because of more learning experience. 


Image 1- Computer Programming and Coding


Image 2


Image 3


CBR: A Key to Camaraderie

            "From a seed of an idea to a fully realized website" This quotation simply sums up all the experiences we have gone th...