"From a seed of an idea to a fully realized website" This quotation simply sums up all the experiences we have gone through when we were making our Community -Based Research Web Design. Looking back to the product of our design, I can say that the process was a mixture of struggle, exhaustion, and dedication. With that, I will show you some of the experiences and closeness we have built during the process of our CBR.
First off, when the groupings had been announced and stated, I was loaded with happiness as I found out I was grouped with my friends, Jhoana & Luisa. I never thought I would that we would be paired together for a research project, and I am thankful we had.
In this image, this was the first place we went for our interview with furniture makers in San Vicente. By the way, our mode of transportation for our interview were our own electric bikes and motorcycles, with proper head protection and permission of our parents. At the moment of our first interview, we were still having issues such like being shy and nervous as we talk to the informants. In this image taken, we failed to have an interview with the workers due to busy hours of work and the absence of the owner.
This was taken after our first face to face interview after a failed one. It was with the owner of Pallado Furniture, Mr. Dionisio Pallado. It was actially a bit hilarious and a touch of luck because we happened to meet him just as the time he was about to leave and luckily, he dared to accept our interview. It was nerve-racking for us because he is also the "kapitan" of Poblacion, San Vicente. Thankfully, he was nice and gentle when we talked to him and we had our first out of five success interview session.
We took this picture to serve as our proof and also to showcase the beauty of manual arts, specifically furniture-making. We know that those furniture were made with pure hardwork and determination in order to satisfy their costumers. This furniture shop was located also in Poblacion, San Vicente,but is different from the Pallado's. It was I think the 4th furniture shop we went to as we go through our research project. These furnitures symbolizes the hardwork of the San Vicentennian as they gave their sweat in making it.
After interviewing 3 furniture makers, we went to interview one of the furniture owners in Lubong, San Vicente. I remember by then, our shyness and shame lessened. Interviewing people really make us thrive through our weakness in public speaking. It was hard at first,but as we try to interview more people, it was becoming easier and easier. By the way, the picture above shows an image of a determined furniture worker because we saw in our own eyes how he worked and worked until he make sure that the furniture he is making will be functioning and not failing. He made us realized more the importance of showcasing manual arts; not just because of how beautiful and how well-done it looks, but because of the hardwork that were poured to create it.
This was the time when we were collaboratively working on our web design. We worked together in our house, building bonds and closeness to each other, while trying to finish our design. We forgot to take pictures when we were showing team work and cooperation, instead, we had this photo of a computer and our web design on the process of making in it.
Creating a Community-Based Research and Web design is indeed a challenging task, especially when you are paired up with the people you barely even communicate with. In the process of our CBR, we have not only built a functional website but also a stronger relation and communication between our classmates. In our study, we focused on showcasing the beauty of manual arts like furniture making. However, we will not experience a pleasure of conducting a study in such a way of just navigating it through the internet through our own home. We need to conduct a study in which we are doing it with each other, beside each other, and a large scoop of team work. Our project was made with a fine collaboration and an endearing moment of camaraderie. The success of our CBR stands to the power of team work and dedication, rewarding us with a journey of transforming an idea into a vast reality.
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